Sunday, May 10, 2009

Wings of an angel

Well, this weekend I decided on a last minute getaway to West Fargo- who could resist, the lure of sandbags piled up on the side of the road, 25mph speed zones, and my mom's home cooking? Did I really just say that? Anyone who knows my mother, knows she does not cook. It's sort of a long standing joke. Sorry mom. But she actually made us a very tasty lunch this weekend- I was rather impressed.

But alas. That is not the point of this post, nor this blog.

I wanted to share a photo of one of my new favorite personal lovelies. We make lots of stuff to sell, but seems we hardly ever have time to make favorites for ourselves and just play. We each had bought one of these angel wings at the Bead and Button Show two years ago and the poor thing has just been sitting there, wanting to fly. I love the simplicity of this design, with the delicate chain and chunky metal feel of the wing. It's made by a husband-wife pair, from Zoa Art. I just checked out their etsy site for the first time, and think we'll definately be making a stop at thier booth at the upcoming show in June. Such beautiful stuff. I've added their site on my link so you can check it out.

Well, off to celebrate mother's day. Happy mother's day mom and thanks for the fun weekend, and the delicious lunch! Looking forward to more of your 'home-cookin'.


1 comment:

  1. What a great use of the wing piece! We're all so excited about the show here at BeadStyle, Bead&Button, and Art Jewelry magazines. Classes have already started, and I can't wait to get to the Marketplace this weekend! For more info, go to
