Saturday, January 24, 2009


isn't always easy to find... unless you're inspired! And inspired I was, last Tuesday night after shedding some tears through the inauguration ceremony. What a moment in history! It inspired me to make a few pieces I thought I would share... This first one is my favorite...

I also had the chance to take a class this week, to further spark some creativity! It was a glass bead-making class at the Studio at Rush Creek, quickly becoming my favorite coffee shop/art studio. While I only have the three beads to show for myself, I had fun and learned a new skill. Now I just need to figure out how I'm going to convince my husband that I need a torch and a kiln so I can make my own glass beads! Any ideas?

Sunday, January 18, 2009

Silver Waves

I purchased this necklace kit last summer at the Philadelphia Bead Fest and finally got around to making it. So, while I can't take credit for the design, that is Janice Berkebile's, I will take credit for the craftmanship! I love this piece and hope to incorporate some of it's elements into my own designs. Sorry the pictures aren't that great-- not a lot of natural light at 8pm in Minnesota in January.

Saturday, January 17, 2009


Check out my etsy site at

I'll be adding more over the next few days now that I finally figured out how to use the macro setting on my camera...

Friday, January 16, 2009

What would you do...

if you were brave today?

brave   /breɪv/ –adjective
possessing or exhibiting courage or courageous endurance.
making a fine appearance.
Archaic. excellent; fine; admirable.

I decided I'd be brave today, by calling myself an artist. For such a long time, I've been afraid to step outside my comfort zone, thinking I'm not really an artist, like you have to be a special person in order to be considered an artist (someone who wears a handknit sweater with jeans rolled up and cute funky boots hanging out, sporting the latest black rim glasses with a handmade eyeglass holder and beautifully forged funky sterling bracelets and earrings.)

But today, in my black velour pajama pants and long-sleeved white t-shirt and sheepskin slippers, with no glasses and no jewelry on, I made an executive decision to be brave. I will call myself an artist.

So, what would you do if you were brave today?

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Beads and Bravery

I'm giddy with excitement! I'm going to Milwaukee in June! Why, you ask, is that so exciting? The Bead and Button Show of course!

I was so nervous I wasn't going to get into the classes I wanted, but I pretty much sat at my computer from 11:55-12:00 hitting refresh, refresh, refresh and thankfully, we were able to get what we wanted! Here are the classes my mom and I are planning to take: Rivets-Cold Connections with Tracy Stanley; Time to Say it with Kim St. Jean; Maniacal Rebar Wire Pound with Brenda Schweder.

It's fair to say I am very excited! We'll be working with a new type of wire (rebar, what's that?); doing cold connections (what, no torch?) and taking apart old watches to create a fantastic piece of art to wear (nothing like saving time... okay, that was stretching it).

So now I need to start saving some money. ASAP. I always go with this number in my head, a pseudo budget if you will, and I always end up calling my husband (after my mom calls my dad) and begging in an ever so sly and coy way, for more money. The beads, tools, and classes are just so fantastic and amazing and they really know how to suck a person in. Anyway, I am sure you will hear all about my adventures leading up to the Bead Show and thereafter.

For now, I will leave you with this thought and the topic of my next post, something my mother said to me the other day that hasn't left me: What would you do if you were brave today?

Saturday, January 10, 2009

Finally, I have arrived!

I have finally arrived in the blogosphere...

Yes, I started a blog for my son Jaxon several months ago (isn't he cute??), so I am somewhat familiar with the world of blogging, but for many months now, I have beeen thinking and mostly procrastinating about starting my jewelry business blog.

What if nobody reads it? What if people do read it (I'm exposing myself here)? What if people think I'm crazy for thinking anyone would even follow my blog, like my jewelry, or think what I have to say is interesting?

So, I did some research and I started looking at other blogs out there. Let's just say, it gave me much more confidence. So, here I am.

WaVu Designs is the creative endeavor of my mother and I (her last name Walker, mine Vuong, combined make WaVu!). For several years we've been traveling the country (okay, just to Milwaukee and Philadelphia) taking classes and spending way too much money on beads, tools, more beads, wire, more tools, did I mention beads? People would ask us, where do you sell your jewelry you make? What? No, we just do it for fun. Blank stares. Oh. You must be made of money to be able to travel to Milwaukee, take spendy classes on wirework, and shop the bead marketplace all weekend. No. We just know how to work our husbands very well.

Anyway, we decided, perhaps we should start selling a few things here and there. So, I am happy to say, we did our first 'craft sale' this past November and thought we did quite well. Now, you'll have the chance to see our custom creations regularly on this blog as I share with you some of my thoughts and musings on Life, Love, and the Pursuit of Creativity...I hope you enjoy.

Thanks for stopping by!
