Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Beads and Bravery

I'm giddy with excitement! I'm going to Milwaukee in June! Why, you ask, is that so exciting? The Bead and Button Show of course!

I was so nervous I wasn't going to get into the classes I wanted, but I pretty much sat at my computer from 11:55-12:00 hitting refresh, refresh, refresh and thankfully, we were able to get what we wanted! Here are the classes my mom and I are planning to take: Rivets-Cold Connections with Tracy Stanley; Time to Say it with Kim St. Jean; Maniacal Rebar Wire Pound with Brenda Schweder.

It's fair to say I am very excited! We'll be working with a new type of wire (rebar, what's that?); doing cold connections (what, no torch?) and taking apart old watches to create a fantastic piece of art to wear (nothing like saving time... okay, that was stretching it).

So now I need to start saving some money. ASAP. I always go with this number in my head, a pseudo budget if you will, and I always end up calling my husband (after my mom calls my dad) and begging in an ever so sly and coy way, for more money. The beads, tools, and classes are just so fantastic and amazing and they really know how to suck a person in. Anyway, I am sure you will hear all about my adventures leading up to the Bead Show and thereafter.

For now, I will leave you with this thought and the topic of my next post, something my mother said to me the other day that hasn't left me: What would you do if you were brave today?

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