Saturday, January 24, 2009


isn't always easy to find... unless you're inspired! And inspired I was, last Tuesday night after shedding some tears through the inauguration ceremony. What a moment in history! It inspired me to make a few pieces I thought I would share... This first one is my favorite...

I also had the chance to take a class this week, to further spark some creativity! It was a glass bead-making class at the Studio at Rush Creek, quickly becoming my favorite coffee shop/art studio. While I only have the three beads to show for myself, I had fun and learned a new skill. Now I just need to figure out how I'm going to convince my husband that I need a torch and a kiln so I can make my own glass beads! Any ideas?


  1. Brenna, I love these pieces. And I am so proud of you for starting your own business and sharing your creativity and artistry with the world. You continuously amaze me!

  2. I love the "hope" piece...where does a girl have to go to buy this stuff??

  3. Hi Joy-
    I can do custom orders ;-) I'm also bringing a bunch of my stuff to a local gift shop in NE Minneapolis this weekend- they'll be selling it for me on consignment. It's called 'Dabble' and located off of 28th and Johnson. I'm listing these fused silver pieces around $25... and hoping to get some added to my etsy site: Let me know if you want to buy something or if you'd like a custom order! And thanks for looking!
