Saturday, January 10, 2009

Finally, I have arrived!

I have finally arrived in the blogosphere...

Yes, I started a blog for my son Jaxon several months ago (isn't he cute??), so I am somewhat familiar with the world of blogging, but for many months now, I have beeen thinking and mostly procrastinating about starting my jewelry business blog.

What if nobody reads it? What if people do read it (I'm exposing myself here)? What if people think I'm crazy for thinking anyone would even follow my blog, like my jewelry, or think what I have to say is interesting?

So, I did some research and I started looking at other blogs out there. Let's just say, it gave me much more confidence. So, here I am.

WaVu Designs is the creative endeavor of my mother and I (her last name Walker, mine Vuong, combined make WaVu!). For several years we've been traveling the country (okay, just to Milwaukee and Philadelphia) taking classes and spending way too much money on beads, tools, more beads, wire, more tools, did I mention beads? People would ask us, where do you sell your jewelry you make? What? No, we just do it for fun. Blank stares. Oh. You must be made of money to be able to travel to Milwaukee, take spendy classes on wirework, and shop the bead marketplace all weekend. No. We just know how to work our husbands very well.

Anyway, we decided, perhaps we should start selling a few things here and there. So, I am happy to say, we did our first 'craft sale' this past November and thought we did quite well. Now, you'll have the chance to see our custom creations regularly on this blog as I share with you some of my thoughts and musings on Life, Love, and the Pursuit of Creativity...I hope you enjoy.

Thanks for stopping by!


1 comment:

  1. Wow...I love the set-up here for your jewelry! I can't wait to see how your new business progresses...mine has opened so many doors and it has allowed me to meet some really wonderful people! Good luck with your new endeavor and I am adding you to my blog site too!!!
