Sunday, April 5, 2009

pseudo spring cleaning

Spring Cleaning. Can you still call it that when it doesn't much feel like Spring?

I guess you could call it Pseudo-Spring Cleaning. That's what I did yesterday in between going to the zoo and out to dinner. Boy, does it feel good too!

I had some great inspiration from the latest edition of Studios magazine. Not so much in how to organize my things, because most of the artists featured were fiber artists or sewers, but moreso in the process and how to let go of things. I've always been a hoarder of things, up until the last couple years when I started a regular purging process (of things, not food). It feels very liberating, clarifying, and keeps my life so much simpler. And I find that the best part about getting rid of things, is that it makes room for more things ;-)

Here's a few photos of the end result. Unfortunately (or thankfully) I did not take before photos- it was quite a disaster in here! My next goal is to fix up my office area, and set up a photo station for when I need to take pictures of my jewelry. The other thing I need to do is work on getting some color on those walls! I might save that for next Spring though ;-)

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