Tuesday, October 20, 2009
Vegoogle Night.
Went to a scrapbooking retreat this weekend. It was fun to get away and spend some time with my parents and to work on another hobby of mine. I think I needed the break. I came home though and was just itching to do some jewelry!
So last night I was able to sit down for a couple hours and make a few new things. I'm really into using riverstones lately. I made a bracelet using riverstones and different shaped laboradite beads. It's quite pretty! I think it needs a patina though, so I'll try to post pictures after that's done.
If anyone knows of any great holiday craft shows in the Twin Cities, let me know!
Off to google and veg... it's a vegoogle night!
Wednesday, September 9, 2009
jury duty
Wednesday, August 19, 2009
Here it is: http://www.wavudesigns.etsy.com/ and I've added a few new items and will be adding more in the coming days, so check back often!
And I'll go add that link to my side bar now ;-)
Sunday, July 26, 2009
Pelicans, mung beans, and pendants, oh my!
It started out as a very windy morning and to be quite honest, I was getting really nervous- as we were setting up, everything kept blowing over and off the tables. I wasn't quite sure how we were going to manage. But we got a little creative with some painter's tape and booth layout and figured it out.
Here are some photos from the weekend.
These are my new pendant design. These are glass beads riveted onto a piece of sheet metal that's been textured, filed, and polished in a tumbler. I just love them ;-) Most of the glass beads are made by Nikki from Thornburg Studios.
Monday, July 13, 2009
booth design... bleh
This table has all our earrings and river rock pendants.
Sort of hard to get a feel for it without being able to see it up close, but if you have any thoughts, suggestions or ideas, I'm open! Our show is July 25 in Pelican Rapids so I've got time to tweak it. And obviously I will not be using these table covers and more of the jewelry will be velcroed onto the floor tiles ;-)
Thanks for looking and wish us luck!
Oh, and we keep meaning to update our etsy site-- one of two things that was posted sold (wow!) so there's just one lonely pendant on there. So, look for more on our etsy site after we get through this next show. If there's anything you're dying to see more photos of though, let me know, I'm happy to share!
Tuesday, July 7, 2009
One Lovely Blog
Sunday, June 7, 2009
What a tool!
I did buy plenty of beads-- those are not unpacked yet as they require much more organization. But the tools! Ah, the tools are all unpacked. Before I put them away, I took a quick shot of all my new little darlings. A wise woman once said, a woman with tools is a smart woman. Okay, I just made that up. But it seems to be true.
My favorites include the new bonsai shears- that red and white pair that stand out. They're very sharp, hence the protective cover. They cut much better than my black shears and at $6.50, can't beat that. I also treated myself to the 'Fat Daddy' cutters from Beaducation. These are on the top left. They are amazing flush cutters when working with a heavy gauge wire. I'd been borrowing my mom's every time we got together and almost thought about sneaking them into my tool bag a couple of times. It was time to bite the bullet on that one. My other treat, okay there were several-- I bought a new pair of Lindstrom chainnose pliers (LOVE!), a Fretz riveting hammer (sight unseen- never even riveted before this weekend! LOVE part two), and a Fretz Raw Silk hammer for texturing (LOVE LOVE LOVE).
Let's see, what other random spontaneous tool purchases did I make- a burnisher, a plastic mallet, a ring holder??, a jewelers' saw with bench pin, some sort of polishing pen, a spring-loaded punch, and a few other miscellaneous things. Most of these were not on my shopping list, but when a vendor or teacher says, you cannot live without this tool, I tend to believe them. And they just make me feel, well, powerful. And artistic. And smart. Some people wear glasses to feel smart; I buy tools.
There are something like 500 classes taught over the week long Bead and Button show. It is quite amazing actually. It's one of my favorite parts of the show. So, we took three classes. These are not in correct order, but then, you don't care about that anyway.
Friday night was a three hour class called Maniacal Rebar Wire with Brenda Schweder-- we used rebar wire, which is a carbon coated stainless steel wire. Here are a couple of my products. The pendant is finished but the other piece is just a link that I'll be using to make a necklace. The other pieces I started aren't even close to finish, but I'll definately post a follow-up.
These were from our all day Thursday class, called Time to Say it, with Kim St. Jean. Kim is a southern gal, from South Carolina. She is a great teacher, very creative, and super helpful. I hope I get to take another class from her soon! I made these riveted earrings and this watchface pendant in her class which I was pretty proud of. I really like both these pieces and can't wait to wear them.
This is an unfinished bracelet, that I worked on in Tracy Stanley's Cold Connections class on Saturday. Tracy's class was great. She is an amazing teacher, artist, and person. I love her work and she always makes you feel like you're work is just as good. She'll tell you that there are no mistakes and it's perfect just the way you made it. I can't wait to finish this baby up and make a matching pendant or earrings. It's just a fun piece and has a nice little swooshy metal sound when you wear it! Gotta love that!
Okay, time to unpack those beads and get organized. I have a lot of work to do the next few weeks for our next show. I'll try to post some photos after my projects are done and of anything I make with my new tools! Thanks for stopping by.
Monday, June 1, 2009
Milwaukee in June...
Exactly! It's the Bead and Button Show and I'm busy packing my tools, sorting through beads, printing out the show floor map so I can be more organized than my mother this year, and of course, trying to decide which jewelry to bring!
It's funny. I think 80% of the ladies who attend the B&B Show pack their clothes around which pieces of jewelry they are going to wear, rather than the other way around. I know I do. It's the one time you get to really show off what you've been working on all year and know that someone is going to comment on your pieces at some point.
You'll hear, 'Is that an Anne Choi? Did you get that from Wendy Wichner? How long did it take you to make that? Was that a great class or what?' People from all over the world will join in, and say, 'beautiful piece of jewelry you're wearing'. Whether you're into wire, metal, or seed beads. Looming or weaving. There is truly something for everyone and I think at least for myself, there is a true appreciation for the art and style you see on each and every person's neck, wrist, finger, or ear.
Ain't that sweet...
See you at the show!
Sunday, May 10, 2009
Wings of an angel
Sunday, May 3, 2009
Taking the good with the bad...
The Good: I got to spend some quality time with my mom at the show and both my parents, brother and niece after the show at the circus that ensued at our house.
The Bad: We didn't have as great a crowd as we expected and therefore did not have as high of sales as we anticipated. It was actually REALLY slow. But we had a few customers who were really fun, appreciative of our work, and great to meet!
The Good: We learned a LOT from fellow vendors- everything from booth setup, to staying motivated, to earning customers. One of our favorite new vendors, doing fused glass jewelry was called 'One Peace at a Time'- I will find her card and add her info here- I'm blanking at the moment!
The Bad: We could not shop much at other vendors since we did not earn much.
The Good: We have excess inventory to bring to our etsy shop and Dabble, the gift shop selling on consignment for us. And, we really really like the new line we've created with fused silver pendants, so we really really think they'll do well in the shops.
The Bad: We have no way of knowing this for sure.
The Good: We're planning our next show for late July, hopefully at one of the lakes area 'art in the park'- likely Pelican Rapids or Detroit Lakes. Beyond that we're not sure, possibly a holiday show and focusing on our etsy and consignment shops.
The Bad: We are way behind and most of the good shows' deadlines for application have past. We learn and we learn...
The Best: Doing something we love to do, making new friends, and being creative.
Sunday, April 5, 2009
pseudo spring cleaning
I guess you could call it Pseudo-Spring Cleaning. That's what I did yesterday in between going to the zoo and out to dinner. Boy, does it feel good too!
I had some great inspiration from the latest edition of Studios magazine. Not so much in how to organize my things, because most of the artists featured were fiber artists or sewers, but moreso in the process and how to let go of things. I've always been a hoarder of things, up until the last couple years when I started a regular purging process (of things, not food). It feels very liberating, clarifying, and keeps my life so much simpler. And I find that the best part about getting rid of things, is that it makes room for more things ;-)
Here's a few photos of the end result. Unfortunately (or thankfully) I did not take before photos- it was quite a disaster in here! My next goal is to fix up my office area, and set up a photo station for when I need to take pictures of my jewelry. The other thing I need to do is work on getting some color on those walls! I might save that for next Spring though ;-)
Sunday, March 29, 2009
hammering it out...
But I did find time to hammer out some ideas, literally!
Do you ever seem to have so many ideas, you feel like your head is literally going to explode?? That's how I felt Friday and after putting Jaxon to bed, I went down to my studio and got to work. I played and played all weekend, anytime I had free time. I can't say I made any finished pieces, but I did have fun playing and experimenting with my torch, patinas, and hammering. And I think I got that little bug out of me so my head won't explode now.
It seems a lot of the blogs I read of other jewelry artists, most of them are full-time jewelry artists. If there's anyone out there who is a part-timer, has a 16 month old and an equally busy husband and volunteer and work life, I would love to know how you balance it all! I think that's why my head sometimes wants to explode... thank goodness for hammers!!!
Sunday, March 22, 2009
the journey...
But then I remembered one of my favorite quotes: the journey of a thousand miles begins with one step.
So I bought some beads.
Here's a photo of my purchases- I was very restrained as I had Jaxon with and he always keeps me multitasking so I'm never quite able to spend as much. Which is good.
But, I did find some interesting pearls, I'm hoping to use in something, perhaps a new earing design I have in mind. I also snagged some silver charms from Hip Chick Beads. I love her stuff. It's so fun and whimsical. I also bought a triangle mandrel. Not sure what to do with it yet, but I couldn't go to a bead show without buying tools!
Look for some more photos after next weekend's getaway-- it's jewelry retreat time!
Sunday, March 15, 2009
top shelf
Wednesday, February 11, 2009
Believe in Blossoms
Saturday, January 24, 2009
I also had the chance to take a class this week, to further spark some creativity! It was a glass bead-making class at the Studio at Rush Creek, quickly becoming my favorite coffee shop/art studio. While I only have the three beads to show for myself, I had fun and learned a new skill. Now I just need to figure out how I'm going to convince my husband that I need a torch and a kiln so I can make my own glass beads! Any ideas?
Sunday, January 18, 2009
Silver Waves
Saturday, January 17, 2009

Friday, January 16, 2009
What would you do...
brave /breɪv/ –adjective
possessing or exhibiting courage or courageous endurance.
making a fine appearance.
Archaic. excellent; fine; admirable.
I decided I'd be brave today, by calling myself an artist. For such a long time, I've been afraid to step outside my comfort zone, thinking I'm not really an artist, like you have to be a special person in order to be considered an artist (someone who wears a handknit sweater with jeans rolled up and cute funky boots hanging out, sporting the latest black rim glasses with a handmade eyeglass holder and beautifully forged funky sterling bracelets and earrings.)
But today, in my black velour pajama pants and long-sleeved white t-shirt and sheepskin slippers, with no glasses and no jewelry on, I made an executive decision to be brave. I will call myself an artist.
So, what would you do if you were brave today?
Tuesday, January 13, 2009
Beads and Bravery
I was so nervous I wasn't going to get into the classes I wanted, but I pretty much sat at my computer from 11:55-12:00 hitting refresh, refresh, refresh and thankfully, we were able to get what we wanted! Here are the classes my mom and I are planning to take: Rivets-Cold Connections with Tracy Stanley; Time to Say it with Kim St. Jean; Maniacal Rebar Wire Pound with Brenda Schweder.
It's fair to say I am very excited! We'll be working with a new type of wire (rebar, what's that?); doing cold connections (what, no torch?) and taking apart old watches to create a fantastic piece of art to wear (nothing like saving time... okay, that was stretching it).
So now I need to start saving some money. ASAP. I always go with this number in my head, a pseudo budget if you will, and I always end up calling my husband (after my mom calls my dad) and begging in an ever so sly and coy way, for more money. The beads, tools, and classes are just so fantastic and amazing and they really know how to suck a person in. Anyway, I am sure you will hear all about my adventures leading up to the Bead Show and thereafter.
For now, I will leave you with this thought and the topic of my next post, something my mother said to me the other day that hasn't left me: What would you do if you were brave today?